Saturday, November 24, 2012

Wal-Mart Protest

Of course, Investors’ Business Daily writes an editorial  that says the Wal-Mart job action was a failure. It wasn’t. Movements take a long time. Look at how long it took African Americans, Native Americans and women to get the right to vote. We’re still waiting to get equal pay.
The protest was a success because it drew attention to how the world’s largest retailer won’t pay workers a living wage. Wal-Mart said they had a good Black Friday. That’s great. And, it means they can pay workers more --  maybe even enough so they don’t have to be on Medicaid and go to food banks to feed their families or use other taxpayer-funded or charitable services. Why should the government subsidize Wal-Mart’s refusal to pay a living wage or give workers enough hours to be classified as full-timers? Shouldn’t a job cover living expenses?

Friday, November 23, 2012





Work is a place where all kinds of people are thrown together to perform a common task. These are not necessarily people you’d hang out with which explains why there are so many assholes in the workplace.

This is a guide to help you avoid uncomfortable confrontations as well as keeping you from being an asshole yourself.

We’ll start with the basics, first impressions and manners and work up to the complicated matters of how to get the most out of sucking up.


Don’t ever wear sweat pants. Never. Work is not the same as sitting on the couch at home with ho-hos and a clicker or watching porn on your computer. It’s work. 
The photos below show the difference between what you think you look like and what co-workers see when you wear sweat pants to work:

Guess which one is you in sweat pants?

If your workplace is casual, buy some nice casual clothes which are not sweat pants. If yours is a highly competitive office, you know what you have to do. Dress for the job you want, not the one you have.

No sweat shirts either. No one cares if you’re with stupid.