Of course, Investors’ Business Daily writes an editorial
that says the Wal-Mart job action was a failure. It wasn’t. Movements take a
long time. Look at how long it took African Americans, Native Americans and
women to get the right to vote. We’re still waiting to get equal pay.
The protest was a success because it drew attention to how the world’s
largest retailer won’t pay workers a living wage. Wal-Mart said they had a good
Black Friday. That’s great. And, it means they can pay workers more -- maybe
even enough so they don’t have to be on Medicaid and go to food banks to feed
their families or use other taxpayer-funded or charitable services. Why should
the government subsidize Wal-Mart’s refusal to pay a living wage or give workers enough hours to be classified as full-timers? Shouldn’t a job
cover living expenses?